Welcome to INMOST project page
This site and the repository is in the process of moving to dodo server of INM RAS, the alternative gitlab repository is here
INMOST (Integrated Numerical Modelling and Object-oriented Supercomputing Technologies) is a tool for supercomputer simulations characterized by a maximum generality of supported computational meshes, distributed data structure flexibility and cost-effectiveness, as well as crossplatform portability.
Installation user guides, documentation and sources
User guides are available at wiki.
INMOST library sources are available at github. Download source archives in zip and tar.gz formats.
Online documentation is available at doxygen.
INMOST is licensed under Modified BSD License.
Questions and bug reports should be submitted using github issues page.
INMOST library supports unstructured grids with uniform and mixed topology with arbitrary polyhedral elements. The following mesh formats are supported:
- INMOST parallel platform mesh format (.pmf) – import/export
- Legacy VTK (.vtk) – import/export
- Legacy parallel VTK (.pvtk) – import/export
- Gmsh's MSH ASCII format (.msh) – import only
- General Mesh Viewer format (.gmv) – export only
INMOST library provides internal linear system solvers and supports third party solvers:
- Internal solver based on BiCGStab(L) solver with second order ILU factorization as preconditioner
- internal solver based on BiCGStab(L) solver with second order Crout-ILU with inversed-based condition estimation and unsymmetric reordering for diagonal dominance as preconditioner
- Trilinos (Belos and AztecOO with ML and Ifpack preconditioners)
- Ani3D BiCGStab with ILU2 preconditioner (serial version only)
INMOST library provides internal mesh partitioners and supports third party partitioners:
- Internal partitioner (no repartitioning function) based on the Reverse Cuthill–McKee algorithm ordering
- Zoltan (Partitioning of HyperGraph, Recursive Coordinate Bisection, Recursive Inertial Bisection, Hilbert Space-Filling Curve partitioning)
INMOST developers
INMOST was developed by Kirill Terekhov1,2.
Contributors: Alexander Danilov1, Igor Konshin1, Kirill Nikitin1
Scientific advisor: Yuri Vassilevski1.
- 2 Stanford University
Look at additional information for contributors if you are intereseted in INMOST development.