A toolkit for distributed mathematical modeling
4 #include "inmost_common.h"
5 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
6 #include "inmost_expression.h"
7 #endif
8 #include "inmost_dense.h"
10 #if defined(USE_MESH)
13 namespace INMOST
14 {
15  class Mesh;
16  class Storage;
17  class Element;
18  class TagManager;
19  class Node;
20  class Edge;
21  class Face;
22  class Cell;
23  class ElementSet;
26  // ElementType
28  typedef INMOST_DATA_BULK_TYPE ElementType;
29  static const ElementType NONE = 0x00;
30  static const ElementType NODE = 0x01;
31  static const ElementType EDGE = 0x02;
32  static const ElementType FACE = 0x04;
33  static const ElementType CELL = 0x08;
34  static const ElementType ESET = 0x10;
35  static const ElementType MESH = 0x20;
36 #define NUM_ELEMENT_TYPS 6
38  __INLINE bool OneType (ElementType t) {return t > 0 && (t & (t-1)) == 0;}
39  __INLINE ElementType FirstElementType () {return NODE;}
40  __INLINE ElementType LastElementType () {return MESH << 1;}
41  __INLINE ElementType NextElementType (ElementType etype) {return etype << 1;}
42  __INLINE ElementType PrevElementType (ElementType etype) {return etype >> 1;}
43  __INLINE ElementType ElementTypeFromDim (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE dim) {return 1 << dim;}
44  const char * ElementTypeName (ElementType t); //mesh.cpp
45  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ElementNum (ElementType t)
46  {
47  unsigned int v = static_cast<unsigned int>(t); // 32-bit value to find the log2 of
48  //static const unsigned int b[] = {0xAAAAAAAA, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xF0F0F0F0, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFF0000};
49  static const unsigned int b[] = {0xAAAAAAAA, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xF0F0F0F0};
50  unsigned int r = (v & b[0]) != 0;
51  //r |= ((v & b[4]) != 0) << 4;
52  //r |= ((v & b[3]) != 0) << 3;
53  r |= ((v & b[2]) != 0) << 2;
54  r |= ((v & b[1]) != 0) << 1;
55  return static_cast<INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE>(r);
56  }
59  // MarkerType
62  typedef INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE MarkerType;
64  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE MarkerFields = 16;
66  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE MarkerFieldsPrivate = 4;
68  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE MarkerPrivateBit = static_cast<INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE>(1) << (sizeof(INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE)*8-1);
70  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE MarkerMask = static_cast<INMOST_DATA_BULK_TYPE>(-1);
72  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE MarkerShift = sizeof(INMOST_DATA_BULK_TYPE)*8;
73  __INLINE static bool isPrivate (MarkerType n) {return (n & MarkerPrivateBit) == MarkerPrivateBit;}
74  __INLINE static MarkerType InvalidMarker (){return ENUMUNDEF;}
78  // HandleType
80  typedef INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE HandleType;
81  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE handle_etype_bits = 3;
82  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE handle_etype_shift = sizeof(HandleType)*8-handle_etype_bits;
83  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE handle_id_mask = (static_cast<INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE>(1) << handle_etype_shift)-1;
85  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE chunk_bits_elems = 13;
86  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE chunk_bits_empty = 8;
87  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE chunk_bits_tags = 6;
88  static const INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE chunk_bits_dense = 6;
90  __INLINE HandleType InvalidHandle () {return 0;}
91  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE GetHandleID (HandleType h) {return (h & handle_id_mask)-1;}
92  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE GetHandleElementNum (HandleType h) {return h >> handle_etype_shift;}
93  __INLINE ElementType GetHandleElementType(HandleType h) {return 1 << GetHandleElementNum(h);}
94  __INLINE HandleType ComposeHandle (ElementType etype, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((ElementNum(etype) << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
95  __INLINE HandleType ComposeCellHandle (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((ElementNum(CELL) << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
96  __INLINE HandleType ComposeFaceHandle (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((ElementNum(FACE) << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
97  __INLINE HandleType ComposeEdgeHandle (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((ElementNum(EDGE) << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
98  __INLINE HandleType ComposeNodeHandle (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((ElementNum(NODE) << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
99  __INLINE HandleType ComposeSetHandle (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((ElementNum(ESET) << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
100  __INLINE HandleType ComposeHandleNum (INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE etypenum, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE ID) {return ID == -1 ? InvalidHandle() : ((etypenum << handle_etype_shift) + (1+ID));}
101  __INLINE bool isValidHandle (HandleType h) {return h != 0;}
104  // RemoteElementType
106  typedef std::pair<Mesh*,HandleType> RemoteHandleType;
108  Element MakeElement (const RemoteHandleType & rh); //storage.cpp
110  Element MakeElementRef (RemoteHandleType & rh); //storage.cpp
114 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
115  typedef array<variable> inner_variable_array;
116 #endif
117  typedef array<INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE> inner_real_array;
118  typedef array<INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE>
119  inner_integer_array;
120  typedef array<INMOST_DATA_BULK_TYPE> inner_bulk_array;
121  typedef array<HandleType> inner_reference_array;
122  typedef array<RemoteHandleType> inner_remote_reference_array;
124  enum DataType
125  {
126  DATA_REAL = 0,
127  DATA_INTEGER = 1,
128  DATA_BULK = 2,
131 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
133 #endif
134  };
137  const char * DataTypeName (DataType t);
143  class TagMemory
144  {
145  public:
150  TagMemory(Mesh * m, const TagMemory & other);
152  TagMemory & operator =(TagMemory const & other);
153  private:
155  TagMemory();
159  DataType dtype;
161  std::string tagname;
163  INMOST_MPI_Type bulk_data_type;
168  INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE bytes_size;
171  bool sparse[NUM_ELEMENT_TYPS];
174  INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE record_size;
181  bool print_tag;
183  Mesh * m_link;
185  friend class Tag;
187  friend class Storage;
188  };
192  class Tag //implemented in tag.cpp
193  {
194  private:
196  TagMemory * mem;
198  Tag (Mesh * m,std::string name, DataType _dtype, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE size);
199  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetRecordSize() const;
200  __INLINE void SetSize(INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE size);
201  __INLINE void SetPosition(INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE pos, ElementType type);
202  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetPosition(ElementType type) const;
203  __INLINE void SetSparse(ElementType type);
205  __INLINE void ChangeName(std::string newname);
206  public:
207  ~Tag();
208  Tag();
209  Tag(const Tag & other);
210  __INLINE bool operator <(const Tag & other) const;
211  __INLINE bool operator >(const Tag & other) const;
212  __INLINE bool operator ==(const Tag & other) const;
213  __INLINE bool operator !=(const Tag & other) const;
214  __INLINE Tag & operator =(Tag const & other);
215  __INLINE DataType GetDataType() const;
216  __INLINE INMOST_MPI_Type GetBulkDataType() const;
220  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetBytesSize() const;
223  INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetPackedBytesSize() const;
224  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetSize() const;
225  __INLINE std::string GetTagName() const;
226  __INLINE bool isDefined(ElementType type) const;
227  __INLINE bool isDefinedMask(ElementType mask) const;
228  __INLINE bool isSparse(ElementType type) const;
229  __INLINE bool isValid() const;
230  __INLINE Mesh * GetMeshLink() const;
231  __INLINE bool isSparseByDim(INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE typenum)const;
232  __INLINE bool isDefinedByDim(INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE typenum)const;
233  __INLINE void SetBulkDataType(INMOST_MPI_Type type);
234  __INLINE void SetPrint(bool print);
235  __INLINE bool GetPrint() const;
236  friend class TagManager;
237  friend class Storage;
238  friend class Mesh;
239  };
243  class TagManager //implemented in tag.cpp
244  {
245  protected:
246  TagManager();
247  TagManager(const TagManager & other);
248  TagManager & operator = (TagManager const & other);
253  typedef struct{void * tag, * rec;} sparse_sub_record;
257  //typedef std::vector<INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE> back_links_type;
258  public:
259  typedef tag_array_type::iterator iteratorTag;
260  public:
261  virtual ~TagManager();
263  bool HaveTag(std::string name) const;
265  Tag GetTag(std::string name) const;
267  void ListTagNames(std::vector<std::string> & list) const;
269  Tag CreateTag(Mesh * m, std::string name, DataType dtype, ElementType etype, ElementType sparse, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE size = ENUMUNDEF);
271  virtual Tag DeleteTag(Tag tag, ElementType mask);
273  bool ElementDefined(Tag const & tag, ElementType etype) const;
275  bool RenameTag(std::string oldname, std::string newname);
276  protected:
278  void ReallocateData(const Tag & t, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE etypenum,INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE new_size);
280  void ReallocateData(INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE etypenum, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE new_size);
282  __INLINE sparse_sub_type const & GetSparseData(int etypenum, int local_id) const {return sparse_data[etypenum][local_id];}
284  __INLINE sparse_sub_type & GetSparseData(int etypenum, int local_id) {return sparse_data[etypenum][local_id];}
286  __INLINE dense_sub_type const & GetDenseData(int pos) const {return dense_data[pos];}
288  __INLINE dense_sub_type & GetDenseData(int pos) {return dense_data[pos];}
290  static void CopyData(const Tag & t, void * adata, const void * bdata);
292  static void DestroyVariableData(const Tag & t, void * adata);
293  protected:
294  typedef tag_array_type::iterator tag_iterator; //< Use this type to iterate over tags of the mesh.
295  typedef tag_array_type::const_iterator tag_const_iterator; //< Use this type to iterate over tags of the mesh without right for modification.
296  protected:
297  tag_array_type tags;
298  empty_data empty_dense_data;
299  dense_data_array_type dense_data;
300  sparse_data_array_type sparse_data[NUM_ELEMENT_TYPS];
301  back_links_type back_links[NUM_ELEMENT_TYPS];
302  };
309  class Storage //implemented in storage.cpp
310  {
311  public:
313  typedef INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE real;
315  typedef INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE integer;
317  typedef INMOST_DATA_BULK_TYPE bulk;
319  typedef INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE enumerator;
321  typedef HandleType reference;
323  typedef RemoteHandleType remote_reference;
330 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
332  typedef variable var;
335 #endif
337  class reference_array : public shell<reference>
338  {
339  Mesh * m;
340  public:
341  reference_array() : m(NULL) {}
342  reference_array(Mesh * m, inner_reference_array & arr) : shell<reference>(arr), m(m) {}
343  reference_array(Mesh * m, reference * arr, size_type size) : shell<reference>(arr,size), m(m) {}
344  ~reference_array() {}
345  void push_back(const Storage & elem);
346  void push_back(HandleType h) {shell<reference>::push_back(h);} //is it needed?
347  Element operator[] (size_type n);
348  Element operator[] (size_type n) const;
349  class iterator : public shell<HandleType>::iterator
350  {
351  Mesh * m;
352  public:
353  iterator() :shell<HandleType>::iterator(), m(NULL) {}
354  iterator(Mesh * m, const shell<HandleType>::iterator & other) : shell<HandleType>::iterator(other), m(m) {}
355  iterator(const iterator & other) : shell<HandleType>::iterator(other), m(other.m) {}
356  iterator & operator =(iterator const & other) {m = other.m; shell<HandleType>::iterator::operator=(other); return *this;}
357  iterator & operator ++() {shell<HandleType>::iterator::operator++(); return *this;}
358  iterator operator ++(int) {iterator ret(*this); shell<HandleType>::iterator::operator++(); return ret;}
359  iterator & operator --() {shell<HandleType>::iterator::operator--(); return *this;}
360  iterator operator --(int) {iterator ret(*this); shell<HandleType>::iterator::operator--(); return ret;}
361  Element operator->();
362  };
363  class const_iterator : public shell<HandleType>::const_iterator
364  {
365  Mesh * m;
366  public:
369  const_iterator(const const_iterator & other) : shell<HandleType>::const_iterator(other), m(other.m) {}
370  const_iterator & operator =(const_iterator const & other) {m = other.m; shell<HandleType>::const_iterator::operator=(other); return *this;}
371  const_iterator & operator ++() {shell<HandleType>::const_iterator::operator++(); return *this;}
372  const_iterator operator ++(int) {const_iterator ret(*this); shell<HandleType>::const_iterator::operator++(); return ret;}
373  const_iterator & operator --() {shell<HandleType>::const_iterator::operator--(); return *this;}
374  const_iterator operator --(int) {const_iterator ret(*this); shell<HandleType>::const_iterator::operator--(); return ret;}
375  Element operator->();
376  };
377  class reverse_iterator : public shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator
378  {
379  Mesh * m;
380  public:
383  reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator & other) : shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator(other), m(other.m) {}
384  reverse_iterator & operator =(reverse_iterator const & other) {m = other.m; shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator::operator=(other); return *this;}
385  reverse_iterator & operator ++() {shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator::operator++(); return *this;}
386  reverse_iterator operator ++(int) {reverse_iterator ret(*this); shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator::operator++(); return ret;}
387  reverse_iterator & operator --() {shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator::operator--(); return *this;}
388  reverse_iterator operator --(int) {reverse_iterator ret(*this); shell<HandleType>::reverse_iterator::operator--(); return ret;}
389  Element operator->();
390  };
392  {
393  Mesh * m;
394  public:
398  const_reverse_iterator & operator =(const_reverse_iterator const & other) {m = other.m; shell<HandleType>::const_reverse_iterator::operator=(other); return *this;}
403  Element operator->();
404  };
405  iterator begin() {return iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::begin());}
406  const_iterator begin() const {return const_iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::begin());}
407  reverse_iterator rbegin() {return reverse_iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::rbegin());}
408  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {return const_reverse_iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::rbegin());}
409  iterator end() {return iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::end());}
410  const_iterator end() const {return const_iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::end());}
411  reverse_iterator rend() {return reverse_iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::rend());}
412  const_reverse_iterator rend() const {return const_reverse_iterator(m,shell<HandleType>::rend());}
413  void SetMeshLink(Mesh * new_m) {m = new_m;}
414  Element back();
415  Element back() const;
416  Element front();
417  Element front() const;
418  iterator erase(iterator it) { return iterator(m, shell<reference>::erase(it)); }
419  };
421  class remote_reference_array : public shell<remote_reference>
422  {
423  public:
426  //~ remote_reference_array(const remote_reference_array & other) :shell<remote_reference>(other) {}
428  void push_back(const Storage & elem);
429  void push_back(Mesh * m, HandleType h) {shell<remote_reference>::push_back(RemoteHandleType(m,h));} //is it needed?
430  Element operator[] (size_type n);
431  Element operator[] (size_type n) const;
432  class iterator : public shell<remote_reference>::iterator
433  {
434  public:
437  iterator(const iterator & other) : shell<remote_reference>::iterator(other) {}
438  Element operator->();
439  };
440  class const_iterator : public shell<remote_reference>::const_iterator
441  {
442  public:
446  Element operator->();
447  };
448  class reverse_iterator : public shell<remote_reference>::reverse_iterator
449  {
450  public:
454  Element operator->();
455  };
456  class const_reverse_iterator : public shell<remote_reference>::const_reverse_iterator
457  {
458  public:
462  Element operator->();
463  };
464  Element back();
465  Element back() const;
466  Element front();
467  Element front() const;
468  };
469  //typedef shell<reference> reference_array;
470  protected:
471  HandleType handle;
472  HandleType * handle_link;
473  private:
474  Mesh * m_link;
475  public:
476  Storage(const Storage & other) : handle(other.handle), handle_link(other.handle_link), m_link(other.m_link) {}
477  Storage(Mesh * mesh, HandleType handle) : handle(handle), handle_link(NULL), m_link(mesh) {}
479  Storage(Mesh * mesh, HandleType * handle) : handle(*handle), handle_link(handle), m_link(mesh) {}
482  Storage & operator = (Storage const & other);
483  __INLINE bool operator < (const Storage & other) const {return handle < other.handle;}
484  __INLINE bool operator > (const Storage & other) const {return handle > other.handle;}
485  __INLINE bool operator <= (const Storage & other) const {return handle <= other.handle;}
486  __INLINE bool operator >= (const Storage & other) const {return handle >= other.handle;}
487  __INLINE bool operator == (const Storage & other) const {return handle == other.handle;}
488  __INLINE bool operator != (const Storage & other) const {return handle != other.handle;}
489  __INLINE Storage * operator-> () {return this;}
490  __INLINE const Storage * operator-> () const {return this;}
491  __INLINE Storage & self () {return *this;}
492  __INLINE const Storage & self () const {return *this;}
493  virtual ~Storage() {}
494  public:
497  __INLINE real & Real (const Tag & tag) const;
500  __INLINE integer & Integer (const Tag & tag) const;
503  __INLINE bulk & Bulk (const Tag & tag) const;
506  __INLINE reference & Reference (const Tag & tag) const;
509  __INLINE remote_reference & RemoteReference (const Tag & tag) const;
512  __INLINE real_array RealArray (const Tag & tag) const;
515  __INLINE integer_array IntegerArray (const Tag & tag) const;
519  __INLINE bulk_array BulkArray (const Tag & tag) const;
523  __INLINE reference_array ReferenceArray (const Tag & tag) const;
527  __INLINE remote_reference_array RemoteReferenceArray(const Tag & tag) const;
529  //optimized data requests for dense data with fixed size
530  __INLINE real_array RealArrayDF (const Tag & tag) const;
531  __INLINE integer_array IntegerArrayDF (const Tag & tag) const;
532  __INLINE bulk_array BulkArrayDF (const Tag & tag) const;
533  __INLINE reference_array ReferenceArrayDF (const Tag & tag) const;
534  __INLINE remote_reference_array RemoteReferenceArrayDF(const Tag & tag) const;
535  __INLINE real & RealDF (const Tag & tag) const;
536  __INLINE integer & IntegerDF (const Tag & tag) const;
537  __INLINE bulk & BulkDF (const Tag & tag) const;
538  __INLINE reference & ReferenceDF (const Tag & tag) const;
539  __INLINE remote_reference & RemoteReferenceDF (const Tag & tag) const;
541  //optimized data requests for dense data with variable size
542  __INLINE real_array RealArrayDV (const Tag & tag) const;
543  __INLINE integer_array IntegerArrayDV (const Tag & tag) const;
544  __INLINE bulk_array BulkArrayDV (const Tag & tag) const;
545  __INLINE reference_array ReferenceArrayDV (const Tag & tag) const;
546  __INLINE remote_reference_array RemoteReferenceArrayDV(const Tag & tag) const;
547  __INLINE real & RealDV (const Tag & tag) const;
548  __INLINE integer & IntegerDV (const Tag & tag) const;
549  __INLINE bulk & BulkDV (const Tag & tag) const;
550  __INLINE reference & ReferenceDV (const Tag & tag) const;
551  __INLINE remote_reference & RemoteReferenceDV (const Tag & tag) const;
552 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
554  __INLINE var & Variable (const Tag & tag) const;
555  __INLINE var & VariableDF (const Tag & tag) const;
556  __INLINE var & VariableDV (const Tag & tag) const;
558  __INLINE var_array VariableArray (const Tag & tag) const;
559  __INLINE var_array VariableArrayDF (const Tag & tag) const;
560  __INLINE var_array VariableArrayDV (const Tag & tag) const;
561 #endif
568  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetDataSize (const Tag & tag) const;
574  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetDataCapacity (const Tag & tag) const;
580  __INLINE void SetDataSize (const Tag & tag,
581  INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE new_size) const;
591  __INLINE void GetData (const Tag & tag,
594  void * data) const;
595  __INLINE void SetData (const Tag & tag,
598  const void * data) const;
599  __INLINE void DelData (const Tag & tag) const;
601  __INLINE bool DelSparseData (const Tag & tag) const;
603  __INLINE void DelDenseData (const Tag & tag) const;
605  __INLINE bool HaveData (const Tag & tag) const;
606  __INLINE ElementType GetElementType () const;
607  __INLINE integer GetElementNum () const;
608  __INLINE void SetMarker (MarkerType n) const;
609  __INLINE bool GetMarker (MarkerType n) const;
610  __INLINE void RemMarker (MarkerType n) const;
611  __INLINE void SetPrivateMarker (MarkerType n) const;
612  __INLINE bool GetPrivateMarker (MarkerType n) const;
613  __INLINE void RemPrivateMarker (MarkerType n) const;
614  __INLINE void ClearMarkerSpace () const;
615  __INLINE void GetMarkerSpace (bulk copy[MarkerFields]) const;
616  __INLINE void SetMarkerSpace (bulk source[MarkerFields]) const;
617  __INLINE integer LocalID () const;
620  __INLINE integer DataLocalID () const;
621  __INLINE bool isValid () const;
622  __INLINE Mesh * GetMeshLink () const;
623  __INLINE HandleType GetHandle () const;
624  __INLINE Element getAsElement () const;
625  __INLINE Node getAsNode () const;
626  __INLINE Edge getAsEdge () const;
627  __INLINE Face getAsFace () const;
628  __INLINE Cell getAsCell () const;
629  __INLINE ElementSet getAsSet () const;
630  friend class Mesh;
631  };
637  class TagReal : public Tag
638  {
639  public:
640  TagReal() : Tag() {}
641  TagReal(const TagReal & b) : Tag(b) {}
642  TagReal(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
643  TagReal & operator = (TagReal const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
644  TagReal & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
645  __INLINE Storage::real & operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.Real(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
646  __INLINE Storage::real & operator [](HandleType h) const;
647  };
649  class TagInteger : public Tag
650  {
651  public:
652  TagInteger() : Tag() {}
653  TagInteger(const TagInteger & b) : Tag(b) {}
654  TagInteger(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
655  TagInteger & operator = (TagInteger const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
656  TagInteger & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
657  __INLINE Storage::integer & operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.Integer(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
658  __INLINE Storage::integer & operator [](HandleType h) const;
659  };
661  class TagBulk : public Tag
662  {
663  public:
664  TagBulk() : Tag() {}
665  TagBulk(const TagBulk & b) : Tag(b) {}
666  TagBulk(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
667  TagBulk & operator = (TagBulk const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
668  TagBulk & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
669  __INLINE Storage::bulk & operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.Bulk(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
670  __INLINE Storage::bulk & operator [](HandleType h) const;
671  };
673  class TagReference : public Tag
674  {
675  public:
676  TagReference() : Tag() {}
677  TagReference(const TagReference & b) : Tag(b) {}
678  TagReference(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
679  TagReference & operator = (TagReference const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
680  TagReference & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
681  __INLINE Storage::reference & operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.Reference(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
682  __INLINE Storage::reference & operator [](HandleType h) const;
683  };
686  class TagRealArray : public Tag
687  {
688  public:
689  TagRealArray() : Tag() {}
690  TagRealArray(const TagRealArray & b) : Tag(b) {}
691  TagRealArray(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
692  TagRealArray & operator = (TagRealArray const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
693  TagRealArray & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
694  __INLINE Storage::real_array operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.RealArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
695  __INLINE Storage::real_array operator [](HandleType h) const;
696  __INLINE Matrix<Storage::real,Storage::real_array> operator()(const Storage & arg, int n, int m) const
697  {
698  Storage::real_array data = arg.RealArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));
699  assert((int)data.size() == n*m);
701  }
702  __INLINE Matrix<Storage::real,Storage::real_array> operator()(HandleType h, int n, int m) const;
703  };
705  class TagIntegerArray : public Tag
706  {
707  public:
708  TagIntegerArray() : Tag() {}
709  TagIntegerArray(const TagIntegerArray & b) : Tag(b) {}
710  TagIntegerArray(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
711  TagIntegerArray & operator = (TagIntegerArray const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
712  TagIntegerArray & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
713  __INLINE Storage::integer_array operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.IntegerArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
714  __INLINE Storage::integer_array operator [](HandleType h) const;
715  };
717  class TagBulkArray : public Tag
718  {
719  public:
720  TagBulkArray() : Tag() {}
721  TagBulkArray(const TagBulkArray & b) : Tag(b) {}
722  TagBulkArray(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
723  TagBulkArray & operator = (TagBulkArray const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
724  TagBulkArray & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
725  __INLINE Storage::bulk_array operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.BulkArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
726  __INLINE Storage::bulk_array operator [](HandleType h) const;
727  };
729  class TagReferenceArray : public Tag
730  {
731  public:
732  TagReferenceArray() : Tag() {}
733  TagReferenceArray(const TagReferenceArray & b) : Tag(b) {}
734  TagReferenceArray(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
735  TagReferenceArray & operator = (TagReferenceArray const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
736  TagReferenceArray & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
737  __INLINE Storage::reference_array operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.ReferenceArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
738  __INLINE Storage::reference_array operator [](HandleType h) const;
739  };
741 #if defined(USE_AUTODIFF)
742  class TagVariable : public Tag
743  {
744  public:
745  TagVariable() : Tag() {}
746  TagVariable(const TagVariable & b) : Tag(b) {}
747  TagVariable(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
748  TagVariable & operator = (TagVariable const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
749  TagVariable & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
750  __INLINE Storage::var & operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.Variable(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
751  __INLINE Storage::var & operator [](HandleType h) const;
752  };
754  class TagVariableArray : public Tag
755  {
756  public:
757  TagVariableArray() : Tag() {}
758  TagVariableArray(const TagVariableArray & b) : Tag(b) {}
759  TagVariableArray(const Tag & b) : Tag(b) {}
760  TagVariableArray & operator = (TagVariableArray const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
761  TagVariableArray & operator = (Tag const & b) {Tag::operator =(b); return *this;}
762  __INLINE Storage::var_array operator [](const Storage & arg) const {return arg.VariableArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));}
763  __INLINE Storage::var_array operator [](HandleType h) const;
764  __INLINE Matrix<Storage::var,Storage::var_array> operator()(const Storage & arg, int n, int m) const
765  {
766  Storage::var_array data = arg.VariableArray(*static_cast<const Tag*>(this));
767  assert((int)data.size() == n*m);
769  }
770  __INLINE Matrix<Storage::var,Storage::var_array> operator()(HandleType h, int n, int m) const;
771  };
772 #endif //USE_AUTODIFF
778  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE Tag::GetRecordSize() const
779  {
780  return mem->record_size;
781  }
783  __INLINE void Tag::SetSize(INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE size)
784  {
785  mem->size = size;
786  }
788  __INLINE void Tag::SetPosition(INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE pos,
789  ElementType type)
790  {
791  assert(type != NONE);
792  mem->pos[ElementNum(type)] = pos;
793  }
795  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE Tag::GetPosition(ElementType type) const
796  {
797  assert(mem != NULL);
798  assert(type != NONE);
799  return mem->pos[ElementNum(type)];
800  }
802  __INLINE void Tag::SetSparse(ElementType type)
803  {
804  assert(type != NONE);
805  mem->sparse[ElementNum(type)] = true;
806  }
808  __INLINE void Tag::SetPrint(bool print)
809  {
810  mem->print_tag = print;
811  }
813  __INLINE bool Tag::GetPrint() const
814  {
815  return mem->print_tag;
816  }
818  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE Tag::GetPositionByDim(INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE typenum) const
819  {
820  return mem->pos[typenum];
821  }
823  __INLINE bool Tag::operator <(const Tag & other) const
824  {
825  if( other.mem )
826  return mem->tagname < other.mem->tagname;
827  else
828  return false;
829  }
831  __INLINE bool Tag::operator >(const Tag & other) const
832  {
833  if( other.mem )
834  return mem->tagname > other.mem->tagname;
835  else
836  return true;
837  }
839  __INLINE bool Tag::operator ==(const Tag & other) const
840  {
841  if( other.mem )
842  return mem->tagname == other.mem->tagname;
843  else
844  return false;
845  }
847  __INLINE bool Tag::operator !=(const Tag & other) const
848  {
849  if( other.mem )
850  return mem->tagname != other.mem->tagname;
851  else
852  return true;
853  }
855  __INLINE Tag & Tag::operator =(Tag const & other)
856  {
857  mem = other.mem;
858  return *this;
859  }
861  __INLINE DataType Tag::GetDataType() const
862  {
863  assert(mem!=NULL);
864  return mem->dtype;
865  }
867  __INLINE INMOST_MPI_Type Tag::GetBulkDataType() const
868  {
869  assert(mem!=NULL);
870  return mem->bulk_data_type;
871  }
873  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE Tag::GetBytesSize() const
874  {
875  assert(mem!=NULL);
876  return mem->bytes_size;
877  }
878  __INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE Tag::GetSize() const
879  {
880  assert(mem!=NULL);
881  return mem->size;
882  }
883  __INLINE std::string Tag::GetTagName() const
884  {
885  assert(mem!=NULL);
886  return mem->tagname;
887  }
888  __INLINE bool Tag::isDefined(ElementType type) const
889  {
890  assert(mem!=NULL);
891  assert(OneType(type));
892  return GetPosition(type) != ENUMUNDEF;
893  }
894  __INLINE bool Tag::isDefinedMask(ElementType mask) const
895  {
896  assert(mem!=NULL);
897  bool ret = true;
898  for(ElementType etype = NODE; etype <= MESH; etype = NextElementType(etype))
899  if( etype & mask ) ret &= isDefined(etype&mask);
900  return ret;
901  }
902  __INLINE bool Tag::isSparse(ElementType type) const
903  {
904  assert(mem!=NULL);
905  assert(OneType(type));
906  return mem->sparse[ElementNum(type)];
907  }
908  __INLINE bool Tag::isValid() const
909  {
910  return mem != NULL;
911  }
912  __INLINE Mesh * Tag::GetMeshLink() const
913  {
914  assert(mem!=NULL);
915  return mem->m_link;
916  }
917  __INLINE bool Tag::isSparseByDim(INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE typenum) const
918  {
919  assert(mem!=NULL);
920  return mem->sparse[typenum];
921  }
922  __INLINE bool Tag::isDefinedByDim(INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE typenum) const
923  {
924  assert(mem!=NULL);
925  return GetPositionByDim(typenum) != ENUMUNDEF;
926  }
927  __INLINE void Tag::SetBulkDataType(INMOST_MPI_Type type)
928  {
929  assert(mem!=NULL);
930  assert(mem->dtype == DATA_BULK );
931  mem->bulk_data_type = type;
932  }
934 }
936 //Implementation of inlined functions
937 //#include "../Data/tag_inline.hpp"
940 #endif
Class for linear algebra operations on dense matrices.
Storage type for representing arrays of Element references.
Definition: inmost_data.h:338
Storage type for representing arrays of Element references on another Mesh.
Definition: inmost_data.h:422
Base class for Mesh, Element, and ElementSet classes.
Definition: inmost_data.h:310
__INLINE integer & Integer(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve integer value associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3733
Storage & operator=(Storage const &other)
If there is a link to handle provided (automatically by ElementArray and reference_array),...
RemoteHandleType remote_reference
Storage type for representing references to Element in another Mesh.
Definition: inmost_data.h:323
variable var
Storage type for representing real value with vector of variations.
Definition: inmost_data.h:332
__INLINE void DelDenseData(const Tag &tag) const
Frees variable array or fills field with zeroes.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3965
__INLINE var_array VariableArray(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve array of variables associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3900
shell< real > real_array
Storage type for representing arrays of real values.
Definition: inmost_data.h:325
__INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetDataCapacity(const Tag &tag) const
Return the size of the structure required to represent the data on current element.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3937
shell< integer > integer_array
Storage type for representing arrays of integer values.
Definition: inmost_data.h:327
__INLINE var & Variable(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve variable reference associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3888
__INLINE bulk_array BulkArray(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve abstract data associated with Tag as a series of bytes.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3757
shell< bulk > bulk_array
Storage type for representing abstract data as a series of bytes.
Definition: inmost_data.h:329
shell< variable > var_array
Storage type for representing array of values with vectors of variations.
Definition: inmost_data.h:334
__INLINE remote_reference_array RemoteReferenceArray(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve array of Element references associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3765
__INLINE reference & Reference(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve Element reference associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3741
Storage type for representing real values.
Definition: inmost_data.h:313
HandleType reference
Storage type for representing references to Element.
Definition: inmost_data.h:321
__INLINE integer_array IntegerArray(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve array of integer values associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3753
Storage(Mesh *mesh, HandleType *handle)
This constructor allows for remote handle modification.
Definition: inmost_data.h:479
__INLINE remote_reference & RemoteReference(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve remote Element reference associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3745
__INLINE void GetData(const Tag &tag, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE shift, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE size, void *data) const
Extract part of the data associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3953
__INLINE void SetDataSize(const Tag &tag, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE new_size) const
Set the length of data associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3941
__INLINE real & Real(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve real value associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3729
__INLINE reference_array ReferenceArray(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve array of Element references associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3761
__INLINE bulk & Bulk(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve one byte of abstract data associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3737
__INLINE real_array RealArray(const Tag &tag) const
Retrieve array of real values associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3749
__INLINE INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetDataSize(const Tag &tag) const
Return the data length associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3933
type for representing unsigned integer values.
Definition: inmost_data.h:319
Storage type for representing one byte of abstract data.
Definition: inmost_data.h:317
__INLINE integer DataLocalID() const
This number is guaranteed to be between 0 and Mesh::NumberOf(type of element) after Mesh::ReorderEmpt...
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:4023
__INLINE bool DelSparseData(const Tag &tag) const
Deallocates space allocated for sparse data, frees variable array if necessary.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3969
__INLINE bool HaveData(const Tag &tag) const
Check if any data is associated with Tag.
Definition: inmost_mesh.h:3928
Storage type for representing integer values.
Definition: inmost_data.h:315
bool RenameTag(std::string oldname, std::string newname)
Change tag name.
static void CopyData(const Tag &t, void *adata, const void *bdata)
Copy data from one element to another.
void ReallocateData(INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE etypenum, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE new_size)
Reallocate all the data for all the tags.
__INLINE sparse_sub_type const & GetSparseData(int etypenum, int local_id) const
Retrieve substructure for representation of the sparse data without permission for modification.
Definition: inmost_data.h:282
Tag GetTag(std::string name) const
Retrieve a data tag by it's name.
bool ElementDefined(Tag const &tag, ElementType etype) const
Check that the tag was defined on certain elements.
void ReallocateData(const Tag &t, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE etypenum, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE new_size)
Shrink or enlarge arrays for a dense data.
void ListTagNames(std::vector< std::string > &list) const
Retrieve names for all the tags present on the mesh.
static void DestroyVariableData(const Tag &t, void *adata)
Destroy data that represents array of variable size.
__INLINE sparse_sub_type & GetSparseData(int etypenum, int local_id)
Retrieve substructure for representation of the sparse data.
Definition: inmost_data.h:284
Tag CreateTag(Mesh *m, std::string name, DataType dtype, ElementType etype, ElementType sparse, INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE size=ENUMUNDEF)
Create tag with prescribed attributes.
__INLINE dense_sub_type const & GetDenseData(int pos) const
Retrieve substructure for representation of the dense data without permission for modification.
Definition: inmost_data.h:286
__INLINE dense_sub_type & GetDenseData(int pos)
Retrieve substructure for representation of the dense data.
Definition: inmost_data.h:288
virtual Tag DeleteTag(Tag tag, ElementType mask)
Delete tag from certain elements.
bool HaveTag(std::string name) const
Check existence of a data tag by it's name.
This class is a data container for class Tag, contains all the necessary information to access mesh d...
Definition: inmost_data.h:144
Destructor should not do anything.
Definition: inmost_data.h:147
TagMemory & operator=(TagMemory const &other)
Assignment operator should not be ever used, but is here for convinience.
TagMemory(Mesh *m, const TagMemory &other)
Copy constructor, copies all the data except for m_link.
Helper classes for class Tag //.
Definition: inmost_data.h:638
This class provides the access to the individual mesh datum and general information about it.
Definition: inmost_data.h:193
INMOST_DATA_ENUM_TYPE GetPackedBytesSize() const
Amount of bytes necessary for one record in packed form that is used in GetData.
Amount of bytes necessary to support one record referred by the tag on one element.
Definition: inmost_data.h:873
A class that represents a variable with multiple first order variations.