►NSparse | |
CAnnotationService | This class can be used to annotate the matrix |
CVector | Distributed vector class |
►CRow | Class to store the sparse matrix row |
Centry_s | Entry of the sparse matrix row |
►CHessianRow | Class to store the compressed symmetric matrix of a hessian row |
Chessian_entry_s | |
Chessian_index_s | Entry of the sparse matrix row |
CLockService | This class can be used for shared access to matrix with OpenMP |
CMatrix | Class to store the distributed sparse matrix by compressed rows |
CHessianMatrix | Class to store the distributed sparse hessian hyper matrix by compressed symmetric matrices |
►CRowMerger | This class may be used to sum multiple sparse rows |
Citerator | |
NTTSP | Helper functions for Optimizer module and Solver |
Cmake_unsigned | |
Cmake_unsigned< char > | |
Cmake_unsigned< short > | |
Cmake_unsigned< int > | |
Cmake_unsigned< long > | |
Cmake_unsigned< long long > | |
Cmake_unsigned< unsigned char > | |
Cmake_unsigned< unsigned short > | |
Cmake_unsigned< unsigned int > | |
Cmake_unsigned< unsigned long > | |
Cmake_unsigned< unsigned long long > | |
►Carray | |
C_iterator | |
C_reverse_iterator | |
►Cshell | |
C_iterator | |
C_reverse_iterator | |
Cinterval | |
Clinked_array | |
►Cchunk_array | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
Cchunk_bulk_array | |
Cthread_private_item | |
Cthread_private | |
CDemote | |
CDemote< unknown > | |
CDemote< variable > | |
CDemote< hessian_variable > | |
CAbstractEntry | This class is used to organize unknowns in abstract way, it should be registered with and managed by class Automatizator |
CBlockEntry | This class is used to organize unknowns into blocks, blocks enumeration are managed by class Automatizator |
CSingleEntry | This class is used to organize a single unknown |
CVectorEntry | This class is used to organize multiple unknowns resided on single tag of variable or static size |
CStatusBlockEntry | This class is used to organize unknowns into blocks and provides mechanisms to change activation statuses of individual unknowns, blocks enumeration are managed by class Automatizator |
CMultiEntry | Stack together multiple objects of AbstractEntry class |
CAutomatizator | Helps in defining primary unknowns of the model and enhances user experience in interaction with automatic differentiation functionality |
Cabstract_dynamic_block_variable | |
Cget_block_variable | |
Cget_block_variable< vMatrix > | |
Cget_block_variable< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
Cstored_block_variable_expression | |
Cdynamic_block_variable | |
Cconst_block_variable | |
Cstatic_block_variable | |
Cstored_block_variable | |
Cstencil_block_variable | |
Ctable_block_variable | Apply table component-wise on argument matrix |
Cetype_branch_block_variable | This class makes possible to evaluate different expressions on different element types |
Cmarker_branch_block_variable | This class makes possible to evaluate different expressions depending on the markers |
Caddition_block_variable | This class represents addition of two matrices |
Csubtraction_block_variable | This class represents subtraction of two matrices |
Cmultiplication_block_variable | This class represents multiplication of two matrices |
Cdivision_block_variable | This class represents division of two matrices, this is technically B^{-1}A |
Cconcat_cols_block_variable | This class represents division of two matrices, this is technically B^{-1}A |
Cconcat_rows_block_variable | This class represents division of two matrices, this is technically B^{-1}A |
Ctranspose_block_variable | This class represents transposition of the matrix, this is A^T |
Csubmatrix_block_variable | This class represents submatrix of the matrix |
Cmultiply_const_block_variable | This class represents multiplication of the matrix by the constant |
Ccondition_block_variable | This class represents multiplication of the matrix by the variable |
Cmultiply_variable_block_variable | This class represents multiplication of the matrix by the variable |
Cinverse_block_variable | This class represents inverse of the matrix, this is A^{-1} |
Cpseudo_inverse_block_variable | This class represents pseudo-inverse of the matrix, this is A^{+} |
CAbstractMatrixReadOnly | |
CAbstractMatrix | Abstract class for a matrix, used to abstract away all the data storage and access and provide common implementation of the algorithms |
CMatrixUnit | |
CMatrixRow | |
CMatrixCol | |
CMatrixDiag | |
CConstMatrixRepack | |
CMatrixRepack | |
CSubMatrix | This class allows for in-place operations on submatrix of the matrix elements |
CConstSubMatrix | This class allows for in-place operations on submatrix of the matrix elements |
CBlockOfMatrix | This class allows to address a matrix as a block of an empty matrix of larger size |
CConstBlockOfMatrix | This class allows to address a matrix as a block of an empty matrix of larger size |
CMatrixConcatRows | |
CConstMatrixConcatRows | |
CConstMatrixConcatRows2 | |
CMatrixConcatCols | |
CConstMatrixConcatCols | |
CConstMatrixConcatCols2 | |
CMatrixUnaryMinus | |
CMatrixSum | |
CMatrixDifference | |
CMatrixTranspose | |
CConstMatrixTranspose | |
CConstMatrixConjugate | |
CConstMatrixConjugateTranspose | |
CKroneckerProduct | |
CMatrixMulCoef | |
CMatrixDivCoef | |
CMatrixMulShellCoef | |
CMatrixDivShellCoef | |
CMatrixMul | |
CMatrix | Class for linear algebra operations on dense matrices |
CSymmetricMatrix | |
CTagMemory | This class is a data container for class Tag, contains all the necessary information to access mesh data in class TagManager |
CTag | This class provides the access to the individual mesh datum and general information about it |
►CTagManager | |
Csparse_sub_record | |
►CStorage | Base class for Mesh, Element, and ElementSet classes |
►Creference_array | Storage type for representing arrays of Element references |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | |
Citerator | |
Creverse_iterator | |
►Cremote_reference_array | Storage type for representing arrays of Element references on another Mesh |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | |
Citerator | |
Creverse_iterator | |
CTagReal | Helper classes for class Tag // |
CTagInteger | |
CTagBulk | |
CTagReference | |
CTagRealArray | |
CTagIntegerArray | |
CTagBulkArray | |
CTagReferenceArray | |
CTagVariable | |
CTagVariableArray | |
CSelfPromote | Structure that selects desired class, depending on the operation |
CComplexType | |
CPromote | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, float > | |
CPromote< float, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, float > | |
CPromote< float, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, float > | |
CPromote< float, INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE > | |
CPromote< float, float > | |
CSelfPromote< unknown > | |
CSelfPromote< variable > | |
CSelfPromote< value_reference > | |
CSelfPromote< multivar_expression_reference > | |
CSelfPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CSelfPromote< hessian_variable > | |
CComplexType< unknown > | |
CComplexType< variable > | |
CComplexType< value_reference > | |
CComplexType< multivar_expression_reference > | |
CComplexType< hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CComplexType< hessian_variable > | |
CComplexType< std::complex< unknown > > | |
CComplexType< std::complex< variable > > | |
CComplexType< std::complex< value_reference > > | |
CComplexType< std::complex< multivar_expression_reference > > | |
CComplexType< std::complex< hessian_multivar_expression_reference > > | |
CComplexType< std::complex< hessian_variable > > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, unknown > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, variable > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, value_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, unknown > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, variable > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, value_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, unknown > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, variable > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, value_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< INMOST_DATA_CPLX_TYPE, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< unknown, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE > | |
CPromote< unknown, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
CPromote< unknown, unknown > | |
CPromote< unknown, variable > | |
CPromote< unknown, value_reference > | |
CPromote< unknown, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< unknown, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< unknown, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< value_reference, unknown > | |
CPromote< value_reference, variable > | |
CPromote< value_reference, value_reference > | |
CPromote< value_reference, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< value_reference, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< value_reference, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, unknown > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, variable > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, value_reference > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< variable, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE > | |
CPromote< variable, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
CPromote< variable, unknown > | |
CPromote< variable, variable > | |
CPromote< variable, value_reference > | |
CPromote< variable, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< variable, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< variable, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, unknown > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, variable > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, value_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, INMOST_DATA_INTEGER_TYPE > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, unknown > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, variable > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, value_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, hessian_variable > | |
CPromote< unknown, float > | |
CPromote< float, unknown > | |
CPromote< value_reference, float > | |
CPromote< float, value_reference > | |
CPromote< multivar_expression_reference, float > | |
CPromote< float, multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< variable, float > | |
CPromote< float, variable > | |
CPromote< hessian_multivar_expression_reference, float > | |
CPromote< float, hessian_multivar_expression_reference > | |
CPromote< hessian_variable, float > | |
CPromote< float, hessian_variable > | |
CAbstractMatrixBase | |
CMatrixMul< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, variable, Promote< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, variable >::type > | |
CMatrixMul< variable, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE, Promote< variable, INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE >::type > | |
CMatrixMul< variable, variable, Promote< variable, variable >::type > | |
Cmake_integer | |
Cmake_integer< float > | |
Cmake_integer< double > | |
CBinaryHeapDense | |
Cbasic_expression | |
Cshell_expression | |
Cconst_expression | |
Cvar_expression | |
Cmultivar_expression | A class that represents a variable with multiple first order variations |
Chessian_multivar_expression | A class that represents a variable with multiple first order and second order variations |
Cmultivar_expression_reference | |
Cvalue_reference | |
Chessian_multivar_expression_reference | |
Cconst_multiplication_expression | |
Cvariation_multiplication_expression | |
Cconst_division_expression | |
Cconst_addition_expression | |
Cconst_subtraction_expression | |
Creciprocal_expression | (c/x)' = -c dx / (x*x) (c/x)'' = 2 c dx dx / (x*x*x) |
Cunary_minus_expression | |
Cunary_plus_expression | |
Cabs_expression | |
Cexp_expression | |
Clog_expression | |
Csin_expression | |
Ccos_expression | |
Csqrt_expression | |
Csoft_abs_expression | |
Csoft_sign_expression | |
Csoft_max_expression | |
Csoft_max_const_expression | |
Csoft_min_expression | |
Csoft_min_const_expression | |
Cmultiplication_expression | |
Cdivision_expression | |
Caddition_expression | |
Csubtraction_expression | |
Cpow_expression | |
Catan2_expression | |
Cpow_const_expression | |
Cconst_pow_expression | |
Ccondition_expression | |
Cbranch_expression | |
Cfunction_expression | |
Ckeyval_table | |
►CElementArray | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | |
Citerator | |
Creverse_iterator | |
CMeanFunc | |
CMeanFuncRaw | |
CElement | |
CNode | |
CEdge | |
CFace | An interface for elements of type FACE |
CCell | An interface for elements of type CELL |
►CElementSet | |
Citerator | |
►CMesh | |
Cbase_iterator | |
CBulkComparator | |
CBulkDFComparator | |
CCentroidComparator | |
Celements_by_type | |
Cexch_recv_reqs_t | |
Cexchange_data | |
CGlobalIDComparator | |
CHierarchyComparator | |
CIntegerComparator | |
CIntegerDFComparator | |
CMarkerComparator | |
CMeasureComparator | |
CPrivateMarkerComparator | |
CRealComparator | |
CRealDFComparator | |
CSetNameComparator | |
CSearchKDTree | This structure is a helper structure to aid with search of cells by position |
CAbstractSubModel | A class to manage a submodel within a model |
CAbstractCouplingTerm | A class to manage residual fill-in of the coupling between models |
CAbstractScalarFunction | This can be used to abstract implementation of particular scalar functions, that depend on mesh data and variables of the models |
CAbstractMatrixFunction | This can be used to abstract implementation of particular matrix functions, that depend on mesh data and variables of the models |
CModel | A class to organize a model |
CNonlinearSolver | |
CAbstractOperator | This class is responsible to unite access to various point-wise implementations of discrete operators, such as grad, curl |
CPartitioner | Main class to modify or improve the mesh distribution for better load balancing |
CResidual | Representation for array of residuals of nonlinear equations |
►CSolver | Main class to set and solve linear system |
COrderInfo | Base class for low level parallel operations with objects of Solver class |
Cunary_pool | |
Cbinary_pool | |
Cternary_pool | |
Cunary_pool_expression | |
Cbinary_pool_expression | |
Cternary_pool_expression | |
Cabstract_dynamic_variable | |
Cget_variable | |
Cget_variable< multivar_expression > | |
Cget_variable< INMOST_DATA_REAL_TYPE > | |
Cbasic_dynamic_variable | |
Cshell_dynamic_variable | |
Cstored_variable_expression | |
Cdynamic_variable | |
Cconst_variable | |
Cconst_link_variable | |
Cstatic_variable | |
Cstored_variable | |
Cstencil_expression | |
Cstencil_variable | |
Ctable_variable | |
Cetype_branch_variable | This class makes possible to evaluate different expressions on different element types |
Cmarker_branch_variable | This class makes possible to evaluate different expressions depending on the markers |
Cunary_custom_variable | |
Cunary_const_custom_variable | |
Cbinary_custom_variable | |
Cternary_custom_variable | |
►CXMLReader | |
CXMLAttrib | Structure for xml attribute |
CXMLTag | Structure for xml tag with attributes |
CXMLTree | Structure defining entire XML file |